DouBan is one of the top SNS websites in China,
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Our Contact Information

Support and Sales

EMAIL: [email protected]

SKYPE ID: glogou1

HOTLINE: (508) 309-2110

We have offices in

  • Silicon Valley, California
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Beijing, China

Office Address in California

2068 Walsh Ave, #C

Santa Clara, CA, 95050


  • Category: SNS
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  • Founding Year:2005
  • IPO Date:

  • "Douban, launched on March 6, 2005, is a Chinese SNS community for users to share opinions and create content related to??movies,??books, and music. Compared with other relationship based SNS in China, it is focused on lifestyle and taste expression. Such focus makes it very popular among well educated white collar users. Douban also owns an internet radio station, which ranks No.1 in iOS app store as of 2012."